


Our goal is to produce and distribute 1 million trees by 2025. Our strategy of increasing the number of trees planted is accompanied by extensive research into improving tree survival rates.

Our network of 2,178 beneficiaries, alongside the innovative practices we implement, helps us alleviate these challenges. Our beneficiaries provide the care required for seedlings to reach maturity and the pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan) seeds we supply to them build the much-needed canopy.


Indigenous trees are the basis of ecosystems. Their leaves, bark, and roots host billions of animals, insects, bacteria, mycelium, etc. To give you an example, a cup of soil hosts more micro-organisms than there are humans on earth. And because each species hosts its particular species above or underground, the biggest diversity of trees is needed. We multiply and distribute +60 different tree species that we gather within a radius of 100 km.

Harsh dry periods combined with the extreme sunlight intensity in the tropics make it very hard for seedlings of most species to survive their first year. Moreover, many of the species we reintroduce can only survive under a canopy similar to a rainforest. Such that once a forest is clearcut, those species simply disappeared from the region.

You will find in this list all the 64 tree species and their common name that we produced in 2023. The last column describes the percentage that each species makes up this year compared to the overall number of seedlings distributed.

SpeciesCommon NameNumber of trees Percentage of the total number of trees
Prunus africanaAfrican cherry34’00013.0%
Melia volkensii 23’0408.8%
Markhamia luteaNile tulip Tree18’0006.9%
Acacia polyacantha 16’0006.1%
Maesopsis eminiiUmbrella tree15’0005.7%
Trilepisium madagascarienseFalse fig14’0005.3%
Sesbania sesbanEgyptian riverhemp13’0005.0%
Harungana madagascariensisDragon’s blood Tree10’0003.8%
Morus albaMulberry8’0003.0%
Melia azedarachChinaberry8’0003.0%
Strombosia scheffleri 7’5002.9%
Casimiroa edulisWhite sapote7’0002.7%
Acrocarpus fraxinifoliusPink cedar7’0002.7%
Antiaris toxicariaFalse mvule7’0002.7%
Ceiba pentandraCotton tree6’0002.3%
Spathodea campanulataNandi flame5’0001.9%
Syzygium cuminiJambolan5’0001.9%
Khaya anthothecaAfrican Mahogany4’6001.8%
Tamarindus indicaTamarind4’0001.5%
Trema orientalisPigeon wood4’0001.5%
Olea capensisBlack Ironwood3’5001.3%
Craibia brownii 3’5001.3%
Mangifera indicaMango fruit3’0001.1%
Artocarpus heterophyllusJackfruit3’0001.1%
Acacia sp. “Ekuwam” 3’0001.1%
Carica papayaPawpaw3’0001.1%
Citrus limonLemon3’0001.1%
Croton macrostachyusRush foil2’5001.0%
Croton megalocarpusAfrican croton2’4000.9%
Acacia sp. “Ekutat” 2’4000.9%
Persia americanaAvocado2’0000.8%
Chrysophyllum albidumAfrican star apple1’5000.6%
Albizia grandibracteata 1’2000.5%
Ssp. Egongot 1’1000.4%
Albizia coriaraSilk tree1’0000.4%
Ssp. Ekarikwei 1’0000.4%
Piliostigma thonningii 1’0000.4%
Cordia africanaSudan teak1’0000.4%
Aleurites moluccanusCandlenut tree1’0000.4%
Bridelia micranthaMitzeerie1’0000.4%
Ssp. Esasame 6000.2%
Combretum molle 6000.2%
Blighia unijugata 6000.2%
Moringa oleiferaMoringa5000.2%
Funtumia africanaSilk Rubber5000.2%
Kigelia africanaSausage tree3000.1%
Pouteria altissima 3000.1%
Aningeria altissimaAningeria2600.1%
Polyscias fulva 2100.1%
Teclea nobilis 2000.1%
Bequertiodendron oblanceolatum 2000.1%
Trichilia emeticaNatal mahogany1600.1%
Celtis africanaWhite stink wood1400.1%
Celtis durandiiStink wood1300.0%
Zanthoxylum giletiiEast African satin wood1200.0%
Albizia gumiferaPeacock flower1200.0%
Diospyros abyssinicaAfrican ebony800.0%
Morus lacteaAfrican mulberry700.0%
Sapium ellipticum 500.0%
Ficus exasperataSandpaper fig400.0%
Croton sylvaticusForest fever-berry300.0%
Ficus surBroom cluster Fig300.0%
Zanthoxylum mildbraediiAfrican pepper200.0%
Ficus luteaGiant leaved Fig200.0%
Total 262’520 


Because 90% of our beneficiaries are low-income farmers, giving free goods or services is part of our DNA. However, giving for free comes with its challenges, and we had to make sure that our tree seedlings are given the best treatment.

Moreover, the first year is the most critical period for tree seedlings’ survival. Therefore, we emphasize following up on each project during this period, which tremendously increases seedlings’ chances of one day reaching the adult stage.

Here are the main steps we follow to ensure that our tree seedlings are handled with the biggest care. It is all about ensuring that our beneficiaries are truly willing to receive and commit to taking care of the seedlings.

We visit communities and schools to sensitize them about indigenous trees. Then we take tree orders from potential beneficiaries. Candidates for tree planting are required to form groups of 20 members.

Distribution of Cajanus seeds
Cajanus seeds are distributed to each candidate and within 3 months they will form a canopy to protect our tree seedlings from the harsh sunlight.

Site visit
An assesment of each candidate’s survival of Cajanus seedlings is performed, which determines his/her eligibility to receive the tree seedlings he/she requested.

We hold a requisition meeting to assign tree species that suit best to each project’s climatic conditions.

An assortment of 80 indigenous tree seedlings with 10% fruit trees is prepared and distributed to each beneficiary. The fruit trees (e.g. mango tree, papaya tree, etc.) are not stricly indigenous, but they have been in Africa for centuries and we distribute them for their nutritional value.

We keep in touch with each beneficiary and follow up on the health of tree seedlings throughout the year.

We conduct an impact assessment after a year in January, where we visit each project to assess the survival rate of the trees. This activity greatly helps receive feedback from beneficiaries to improve the way we deliver impact.

We reward beneficiaries who succeed to keep a high survival rate of our seedlings after a year with a – highly demanded – improved stove (that reduces households’ usage of firewood by 66%). Those beneficiaries also become eligible to receive new seedlings the following year together with lessons of organic farming.