In developing countries, trees are at the heart of countless services that communities receive from nature daily.
Number of trees planted
This number represents all tree planting projects. This number is dynamic and is updated as we perform our tree planting activities.
Rocket stoves built
Number of rocket stoves built free of charge since 2017. These stoves reduce household firewood use by 66% and are built 100% from local resources (soil and sawdust). This number is dynamic and evolves as the stoves are built.
Number of individuals sensitized
This number represents all the people reached by our awareness campaigns since 2016, including students and adults. This number is dynamic and is updated as we carry out our awareness campaigns.
Number of farming projects with small-scale farmers
This number represents farming projects we have initiated with the small-scale farmers who planted trees with us. This number is dynamic and is updated as we perform our activities.